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Cowart Insurance Agency Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Spring Into Home Maintenance Mode in Georgia

Spring is a time for rejuvenation, and, as the weather gets warmer here in Lawrenceville, Georgia, and the days grow longer, there's a positive energy in the air. Many people decide it's the perfect time for...

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What is a Return-to-Work Program and is it Right for Your Business?

According to the Workers Compensation Research Institute, employees who are disabled for longer than six months have less than a 50% chance of ever returning to their job. If they are off work longer than a year, the...

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5 Reasons you need Workers Compensation Insurance for your Georgia Business?

You can be held liable for any employee accident or injury that occurs at your business or on a job site. The State of Georgia requires all business owners with 3 or more employees to purchase a workers compensation...

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Have You Considered GPS Tracking for Your Business Vehicles?

There are many advantages to installing a fleet monitoring system, such as GPS tracking devices, into your fleet of business vehicles. In fact, monitoring the driving patterns of your organization's employees is one of...

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Taking a spring break? Keep your home safe while you’re away

For many, the winter months are a welcome time to escape the short days and chilly temperatures by heading on vacation to Florida or beyond. And is there a better way to celebrate the end of winter than to take a spring...

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How to Create Your First Garden This Spring

From genetically modified crops to the environmental and health effects of pesticides, more and more Georgia residents are questioning whether they should grow what they eat. Wherever you stand on the issues surrounding...

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Tips to stop driving distracted

Avoiding distractions while driving could save your life You've seen them on the roads; you might even know a few of them. And you could be one yourself. Distracted drivers come in all shapes, sizes, ages and...

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Protecting Your Business’s Income

Insurance is generally purchased to protect against building loss, loss to contents or liability losses. Unfortunately, it is the intangible exposures that we do not see and do not prepare for that ultimately can have...

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Now’s the Time to Buy a Long-Term Care Policy

Have you thought about what would happen to you if you either needed to enter a nursing home or required home care services? As nursing care costs continue to rise and the need for care increases, there is never a...

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Helping Seniors Have a Wonderful Winter

Slippery sidewalks. Freezing temperatures. Power outages. Winter isn't always a wonderland. If you regularly lend a hand to a senior friend or family member here in Georgia, it may be a good time of the year to provide...

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