You probably heard about the recent global-scale ransomware cyberattacks.
This attack ranged from Britain’s National Health Service to universities, manufacturers and logistics companies. Over 150 countries were affected and over 300,000 computers were hit.
Have you ever considered how vulnerable your company or your customers are to attack? There are several steps that you can take to avoid preventable vulnerabilities.
First, always make sure your systems are up to date with the latest security and software patches from the manufacturer. Second, make sure you have up-to-date antivirus, anti-malware software. There are several reputable companies that offer these products, which are almost always superior to whatever basic protection was offered via “built-in” products preinstalled on your system.
Make sure your employees are aware of phishing and other scams, which can circumvent protective software by having the user essentially “invite” in the virus, ransomware, etc., onto the system.
Since even the most protected systems are subject to infection via unintentional human error, it is also important to secure cyber liability coverage to make sure you are protected from the financial and reputational cost to your business and customers.
It is important to note that the types of coverages afforded by cyber liability policies vary widely, so selecting the best coverage is not typically as easy as going with a low-priced, highly rated insurance carrier.
Also, remember there is a misconception that only large companies can be affected by cyber attack. Companies of all sizes are vulnerable, especially those who use outdated systems, or don’t have a plan or tools for securing their data or that of their customers.
Please consult with our agency about getting protected today.