Using a credit card to pay your insurance premium is convenient and often a preferred method of payment. It is comforting to know that Auto-Owners is consistently monitoring and taking the necessary steps to ensure that your credit card information is kept secure.
There are several ways to make a secure credit card payment to Auto-Owners:
Manage your account online: You can make a one-time credit card payment or set up automatic payments by enrolling in the Auto-Owners Customer Center website at www.auto-owners.com. For mobile access, visit the app store on your mobile device and download the Auto-Owners mobile app. An email address is required for enrollment in this online service.
Call the Auto-Owners automated phone payment system: This credit card payment line is available 24/7 by calling 800.288.8740, option 3. Recent enhancements to the payment line have made the process quicker, and you can now make payments on multiple billing accounts with a single call. You will need the billing account number shown on your invoice and ZIP code to take advantage of this service.
Sign up for automatic credit card payments: Auto-Owners will schedule your payment to be charged to your credit card on the due date. You’ll never have to worry about late payments. You can set this up at www.auto-owners.com or call Auto-Owners at 800.288.8740 and choose option 6 for assistance.
Schedule a one-time payment with a billing representative: Representatives are available to serve you Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (EST) at 800.288.8740. A convenience fee is charged for this service. (The fee varies by state; the maximum is $8.00.)
Whichever path you choose, Auto-Owners is committed to keeping your financial information safe. Please contact our agency if you have questions about payment options.