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Cowart Insurance Agency Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Estimating Your Life Insurance Needs

It’s that time of year, again: Time to reset the New Year with a resolution. What type of resolutions have you set for this year? Was it a new weight-loss goal? Was it putting more money into savings? Taking up a new...

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8 Ways to Keep Your Pipes from Freezing

Updated: 1/6/2022 Frozen pipes that burst can be catastrophic to your home, health, and bank account. Burst pipes can lead to structural damage, mold, and flooding, all of which are expensive to remedy. With freezing...

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10 Ways to Avoid Identity Fraud

Identity theft is a serious crime that can result in a severely damaged credit score and the loss of time and money. An identity thief can steal more than your personal information and money. Unfortunately, it is also...

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How to Prevent Holiday Break-Ins and Keep Your Home Secure This Season

December is finally here, and along with the parties, presents, and eggnog, burglars are in the midst of their busiest season. Since December is the peak month for burglaries, protecting your home from break-ins is...

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8 Ways to Prevent Package Theft

Imagine spending hours going from store to store shopping for holiday gifts only to find that your packages are missing from your vehicle once you’re ready to leave. Nothing quite kills holiday fun like being a victim...

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How to Avoid Holiday Decorating Disasters

Decorating for the holidays can be a fun way to celebrate the season and get in the holiday spirit. While sparkling lights and decorations could put even Scrooge himself in a festive mood, it’s important to be aware of...

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13 Cooking Safety Tips to Keep Your Family Safe This Holiday Season

The holidays are almost in full swing. While it’s safe to dream about turkey, dressing, and pumpkin pie, cooking your favorite dishes can be hazardous. The kitchen can be the most dangerous place in your home during the...

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Protection for Your Jewelry Items

Fall is upon us and before we know it the holiday season will be here. Oftentimes during the holiday season people buy jewelry to give as gifts. A common question you may have is, “How do I insure my jewelry items?”...

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Why You Might Want to Live Like a Minimalist

Decluttering is having a moment these days. Organizing guru Marie Kondo has her own show on Netflix, people everywhere are going through their things and asking, “Does this bring me joy?” and many are even exploring the...

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What Happens if I Have a Claim While Tailgating?

It’s that time of the year again: The return of football season and tailgating. Tailgating is all about getting pumped for the game with parking lot festivities. During all the parking lot pre-game celebrations, however,...

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